News and Updates
Joining a fiddle neck with a screw!
Fitting a baroque neck with a screw
This January I decided to see how much of a violin I could make in three weeks. I already had a “practice scroll” with a baroque length neck. As a folk musician it seemed tempting to make a fiddle rather than a violin.
Visiting Chichester Baroque
Visit to Chichester Baroque Orchestra
Chichester University has a vibrant Baroque Orchestra, led by the marvellous Julia Bishop. This week a group of West Dean students went to visit the group, taking along instruments and bows that we had made for them to try out.
Working with Kai-Thomas Roth
Spending time with Kai-Thomas Roth
Last week I spent some time in the workshop of Kai-Thomas Roth who kindly let me watch his work making cellos.
Meares Viol debuts at London Early Music show
Meares Viol debuts at London Early Music show
The bass viol is complete and is getting its debut at the London International Festival of Early Music, more commonly known as LIFEM.
Bridge making and fitting for a bass viol
Bridge making and fitting for a bass viol
As part of the setup of the bass viol I’ve been cutting and fitting a bridge.
Setting up a bass viol
Setting up a bass viol
This week I’ve been setting up a bass viol. The viol is based on a 1660 Richard Meares viol that is currently in the Royal College of Music Museum in London. I recently finished varnishing it and it is ready to be set up.